Search for items tagged: ramp
motocross 1
Can Pallo Ballman make his debut motocross jump and become a star, or will he crash and burn?
Rube Goldberg Machine
It would be a shame not to play this level. This is a complex Rube Goldburg Machine made in Crayon Physics Deluxe. Simply draw a box at the top left and watch as this machine does the rest.
Watch a video of this level at this link: |
Stars, Ramps, and Pits
Regular old poorly drawn level with plenty of stars, ramps, and pits. My first level.
All Star Ramp
Get ready to get more stars than you came for, cuz my level is going to send you to space with more stars than one. Hope you enjoy it!
Basic Level, where the ball falls through a gap, then slides down a ramp then has to reach its way to the star from there.
3 Star Slam
Unique Level, where the ball has to reach 3 different stars, each one a little higher than the other.
Down And Around
Unique Level, where the ball has to go down and around to reach the star. Straight forward and easy level.
This Level Represents Summertime. You Ride A Roller Coaster of Fun Then, The Rocket Launches and Your Level is Done
Obstacle Course 3
This Time It Starts With Dreadmill. Then, Making a Fabulus Return . . . The Planko Wall!
Guess The Ball (Level 2)
Dear friend, these are the instructions for levels 1 and 2: Level 1! Guess the ball that will get to it's chamber first on the upper and lower set. Level 2! Guess the ball that will get to its hill with the star. Have fun! Sol, age 9
Little Arch (GO!)
This is a great level for begginners! Ball will just zoom to the star! Sol, Age 10