Search for items tagged: weight
Spiral 2
You got out of the spiral once, but how can you make it back it, when this time even gravity is against you?
1st Level
A very simple level, you must draw an object big enough on the right, so the weight at the bottom hits the rope with the ball hard enough, hitting the star.
Get In My Belly!
The 1 Legged penguin can't get food. You'll just have to feed him. He'll give you a star if you satisfy his hunger!
Swing (update)
Now with more awesome. (A level that has probably been done before, but I thought I'd share. Cool concept.)
Not So Heavy
There are two ways past the giant green block - over or under - luckily it's not as heavy as it looks..
The lift Of One Hundred Pounds
See the Hundred pound weight go flying in the air! This is my newest Machinw