Search for items tagged: clouds
Our First Flight
It's time to leave home. Who knows what awaits you in the bright, fearsome world? Be brave!
Windmill Craze
The windmill has gone crazy! (Or maybe it's just the wind?)... Aaanyways, get the ball to the other side of the mill to collect all the stars, blablabla, etc. Ok? :)
Cage in the sky
The star is caught in a cage. You must get into it throught the backdoor. good luck.
Smells like cloud spirit
Hint: Use balances attached to the big cloud to get the upper star and pass through the hole.
This is a very simple level, in that you need to get the ball over to the star. I made this so that the stuff falling out near the light green sides would fall clear out of the way.
nice day
ball's going for a walk. this is a fun, easy game that you can look at while you're playing! sol age 8